Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oct. 20th

Today we focused on the organelles of a eukaryotic cell. Below you will find the vocabulary associated with each organelle.
  • synthesis: the process of producing or making something
  • cell membrane - the part of the cell which separates the external environment from the cytoplasm
  • cell wall - in plant cells, a tough, rigid structure made up of cellulose which is outside of the cell membrane
  • chloroplast - an organelle present in algae and plant cells that contains chlorophyll and is involved in photosynthesis
  • cytoplasm - gel-like substance in which all cellular components outside the nucleus are immersed.

    cytoskeleton - protein lattice structure which gives shape to our cells.

  • Golgi apparatus - an organelle in the cytoplasm that packages proteins and carbohydrates into vesicles for export from the cell.
  • mitochondrion - organelle where final cellular respiration steps takes place
  • nucleus - organelle which contains the DNA, organized into chromosomes; site of mRNA synthesis from DNA.
  • organelles - membrane-bound structures found inside the cell cytoplasm.
  • ribosome - subcellular structures (typically thousands per cell) that provide sites for protein synthesis; occur in cytoplasm and on rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) - a system of membranous tubes and sacs containing ribosomes which function in the manufacture of membrane-bound proteins.
  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) - a system of membranous tubes and sacs that functions in lipid synthesis.
  • vacuole - large organelle in plant cells that contains water, often having dissolved pigments, waste materials, or other substances
The Journal for today was to describe at least three things you know about cells already.

The Homework Assignment for this evening was to:
Write a letter to your grandmother or grandfather describing the similarities and differences between a plant cell and an animal cell. Due 10.21.10


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